Saturday, 6 February 2016

Filming and Editing - Update 2

We filmed the 2nd auditioning parts on the 28th of January. We encountered a few of the same issues as last time through being disturbed. However, we were disturbed on a lesser scale as there were fewer people around. Most of the shots were successful but we had some technical issues. The camera kept cutting out and the filming was interrupted. However, we worked with this and got some successful footage.

The 3rd of February was dedicated to re-filming some of the audition shots - both inside and outside. This was done to make the shots more steady and frame them better. We also re-filmed some due to the lip-syncing being off. We were successful and this means we may not have to re-film any other shots. However, we have planned for additional re-filming time just in case we do need it.

In the editing process we have had a few issues with the lip syncing. We have been finding it difficult to line the footage up with the song. We will continue to work on this. It has been suggested that we film the whole song in order to match up the lip syncing. We will take this into consideration when filming.

We gained some feedback from our target audience and the main thing that continued to come up was that the narrative was unclear. We will work on this and aim to make the narrative clear by adding a number of things including clapperboard shots to indicate the audition parts and some shots of practising while in a home setting.

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